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Buzón :shangyi@tzsyvalve.com
一、Kalida nomas. Quality of work is the basic guarantee of product quality. In order to implement quality standards, our staff must maintain the following quality of work every day:
1. The quality of every process, every part, every document, every sentence and every contract must be guaranteed, at least in order to meet the requirements and needs of customers. Actively Participate in Increasing the Production of Products and Production Technologies 3. We should not avoid mistakes, correct them in time and take effective measures to prevent them from happening again. 4.Work is done regularly, orderly and clean.
Environmental Direction

Reducing pollution and improving the environment are environmental standards and social responsibilities.

1. We try to reduce waste discharge.
2. Este método regula la generación de desechos,aguas residuales y efluentes.
3.We require suppliers to comply with relevant environmental laws and regulations to maximize the use of recyclable, green, energy-saving and safe materials.
Reduce noise and maximize useful grapes
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